SSOY 2013

New for this year is a graduated points system, while at first glance it may seem confusing it is actually quite simple and it only pertains to SSOY stats.  Here is how it works;  a score of 250 @ 100 yds is given a value of 10, each higher score earns an additional .04 points, IE   251  =10.04 and  252  =10.08. This also applies to lower scores by losing the .04 by shooting a lower score.     249 = 9.96.

At 200 yds the base score is 240  = 10 points with the .04 added to higher and .04 deducted from lower scores.     241  =  10.04   and      239 =  9.96.

At 300 yds the base is 230  =  10 points.    The plus or minus of .04 applies here also.

Grand Aggregate scores was a little harder to figure out:

one and two hundred yard Grand Agg. has a base score of  500 = 10.20 points
one and three hundred yard Agg.s  have a base score of    490 = 10.20 points
two and three hundred yard Agg.s   have a base score of   480 =10.20 points
with a plus or minus for lower or higher scores of    .02  points.

All new records this year received a value of 1 point, so it is really no surprise that SSOY winners this year had some new records to their credit and in most  instances more than one.  Just for instance the winner of Factory class won in the last match he shot by posting 2 new records.

SSOY  FACTORY CLASS                                            SSOY     4-GUN   CHAMPION
SHOOTER                      POINTS                                  SHOOTER             POINTS
1     John Kruzan              152.19                             1          Rick Fox               367.02
2     Joey Gregory             150.38                            2        Bobby Cagle          365.42
3     Danny Hensley         149.22
4     Mike Macer                148.48
5     Ross Brown                147.72
6     Rick Fox                      146.70
7     Phillip Gregory          145.18
8     Morris Shankle          144.74
9     Bobby Cagle               144.60                                            SSOY UNLIMITED CLASS
10    Cliff Holmes             135.06                                              SHOOTER               POINTS
11    Chester Bradford      122.06                                             1   Larry Moore          159.14
12    Dave Talerico            116.64                                              2   Rick Fox                157.94
13    Jeff Bredden              114.30                                             3    Ron Jackson        154.48
14    John Charland          113.70                                             4    Bobby Cagle         153.60
15    Johhny Day               100.48                                             5    Anthony Kiefer   149.68
16    Brent Macer              57.6                                                  6     Mike Niblett        91.92
17    David Wilson            55.98                                                7      Steve Jaynes       90.78
18    Mike Noli                  45.40                                                8     Jack Lyons          90.06
19    John Beauchamp    37.12                                                  9     Mike Ezell          70.56
20    Lonnie Musgrave   36.38                                                10     Bill McMurray   61.52
21 Bob Harris                   29.64                                                11     Joe Jarrell           49.62
22    Steve Jaynes            29.10                                                 12    Richard Milton    30.96
23    Garry Lawrence      28.86                                                 13    Floyd Cline          30.90
23    Kieth Brownlee       28.86                                                 14    George Ulrich      30.84
25    Bill Clark                  28.48                                                 15    John Meyers        30.78
26    Jerry Shaw               27.9                                                   16    Danny Hensley    30.60
27    Mike Jones               27.88                                                 16    John Beauchamp 30.60
28    CL Bacon                  27.78                                                  18    Johnny Stewart    30.54
29    Kermit Ruble           27.54                                                  19    Roland Smith        30.12
29    Lillie Shaw               27.54                                                   20   Charles Ellerston 29.46
31    John Cheek              28.18                                                    21   John Beres             29.28
32    Owen Ethington     26.28
33    Ed Laneville             26.16
34    John Riddle             25.98
35    Travis Mertz            25.86
36    John Bolze               23.22
37    Ken Correll              17.54
38    David Allen              9.24



SHOOTER                  POINTS                                     SHOOTER        POINTS

1    Hope Carleton          159.80                            19   Lonnie Staton        29.94
2    Danny Hensley        154.14                             20   John Meyers         29.82
3    Bobby Cagle             153.66                             21   Shane Gregory      29.80
4    Rick Fox                   151.60                              22   Rod Green             29.70
5    Wayne McNeeley    150.74                             23   Joe Jarrell              29.34
6    Paul Elkins               149.62                             24   Tim Potter             29.04
7    Ken Riddle                148.14                              25    Travis Mertz        28.98
8    Steve Jaynes            145.68                              26   Sean Wright          28.92
9    Ken Correll              143.24                              26   Tim Harber            28.92
10   Alvin Sears             119.34                               28  Okey Massey          28.62
11   Jep Sumpter           115.68                              29   Anthony Kiefer      28.56
12   Kermit Ruble          74.02                               30   John Kruzan          28.50
13   Tony Epley              61.20                                 31   Jay Brooks             28.32
14   Charlie Steinus      60.60                               32   Ashley Carr              27.12
15    AC Partin               58.98                                33   Maverick Lawson   26.82
16   Larry Moore          58.44                                 34   Don Gump               26.70
17  Ron Dye                   57.42                                 35   John Beres               25.40
18   John Cheek            50.20                                36   George Coleman     19.44



SHOOTER           POINTS                               SHOOTER             POINTS
1   Steve Jaynes              157.46                  43  Carl Partin               60.72
2   Larry Moore              155.98                  44  Kevin Keaton          60.66
3   Chester Bradford      155.66                  45  Charlie Steinus       60.48
4   Todd Hughes            155.32                   46  Morris Shankle       59.82
5   Mike Niblett             155.30                   47  James Parnham      59.68
6   Brent Macer              155.12                   48  James Hensley        59.28
7   Ron Jackson             154.84                   49  Kenny Whipple       59.22
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     50  Mike Noli                 49.84
7   Bob Baker                  154.84                   51  Floyd Cline              31.20
9   Robert Brockman    154.60                   52  Richard Milton        31.08
10   Mike Ezell               154.54                    53  Kevin Donalds Sr   31.02
11  Rick Fox                    154.32                    54  Jay Brooks               30.96
12  Bobby Cagle             153.88                    55  James Mock            30.84
13  Brud Sheats              153.66                    56  Hope Carleton        30.78
14  Allen Hoagland        153.52                    56  Howard Bell            30.78
15  LW Moore                 153.18                    58  Bill Forrester           30.62
16  Ashley Carr               153.06                    59  Greg Jennings        30.54
17  David Wilson            153.00                    60  George Ulrich         30.48
18  Danny Hensley        152.84                    60  Shane Gregory        30.48
19  Mike Bradford         152.54                     62  Charles Ellerston    30.36
20  Wayne McNeeley   152.20                     62  Jerry Nettles            30.36
21  Jep Sumpter            151.24                      62  Johnny Stewart       30.36
22  John Cheek             149.70                     62  Scotty Crawford       30.36
23  Paul Elkins              147.42                     66  Gary Wilson             30.30
24  Ken Correll              136.90                    67  John Meyers            30.24
25  Mark Ray                 122.22                     68  Anthony Kiefer        30.18
26  Tim Roland             122.10                      69  Jim Gibson              30.12
27  John Hurst              121.54                      70  Eddie Bell                 29.94
28  Randy Gibson         121.20                     70  Ken Riddle                29.94
29  Ross Brown             120.96                     72  Jimmy Brady            29.64
30  Alvin Sears              119.64                      73  Jamie Compton       29.58
31  Larry Averritt          118.14                       73  Jessee Williams      29.58
32  Jackie Stogsdill      102.10                       73  Roland Smmith      29.58
33  Keith Sharp             92.82                        76  Moses Fugate          29.46
34  Bill Broughton        91.08                        77  Mike Jones              29.28
35  Joe Jarrell                90.90                       78  Doug Cox                 29.16
36  Bob Birney               81.42                        79  Mark Wohlford      28.92
37  Shane Sears             72.18                        80  Ray Allen                 28.80
38  Kevin Donalds Jr   61.50                        81  Toby Cox                 28.74
39  Johnnie Johnson   61.32                         82  Rod Green               29.32
40  Chris Compton       61.26                        83  Rusty Sluder           28.02
41  Wayne Talbot          61.14                         84 Mark Elkins             19.12
42  Chris Roland           60.96                        85  Jack Lyons              15.80

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